And so it Begins
It is important when building something to start with a solid foundation. If you don't there is no point in laying even a single brick. Your project is doomed from the outset. If your foundation is strong enough, you can build a vast skyscraper, that will stand for decades, and weather any storm. Mr A, and I, had a long and frank talk, it was possibly the hardest conversation I've ever been called upon to have. It is fair to say neither of us enjoyed it. It was a conversation that could only be described as "good" in the technical sense of the word, in as much as we kept to the point, and had roughly equal input. The subject matter was painful for us both, and there were long pauses while we each collected our thoughts. There is no transcript, and even if there were, I would not publish it. What was said will remain between the two of us, it is enough to know that we reached an accord. We have each made promises to the other, and I am certain we will endeavour to ke...